quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2016

“The importance of the perpetuation of Collective Memory: The use of epigraphy monuments and Egyptian documents, in order to immortalize memorable events of their history”

“The importance of the perpetuation of Collective Memory: 
 The use of epigraphy monuments and Egyptian documents, in order to immortalize memorable events of their history”
Por: Amanda M. Hutflesz*


Summary: The question that prompted the realization of this reflection was meant to briefly analyze the use of epigraphy in Egyptian monuments, as a form of celebration for some important event for the society of the time, aimed at perpetuating the collective memory, be it a people, a nation, a generation. The memories of several victories, but also wars, historical struggles, which in general were an intrinsic part of the lives of noblemen, the site of kings, these, who wanted to leave written on the funeral and obelisks stele, and even pyramids and sarcophagi, their figurative representations. What farther, he came to understand how a document, a narrative (already after the invention of writing) of the facts in any rock, stone, wood, paper; that is, a file eternalized in time. Thus, the description of what happened; immortalize his deeds, remembering the other generations, important facts from the past of a people, of a civilization. Were then preserved a memory and a memory of something, the people who lived in another time and made a note of great, or even of evil, and that currently there is no longer the custom to do. A habit that no longer exists, a tradition that is not used more. Finally, it is essential to understand this transformation, the use of epigraphy provided to ancient times, and that influenced all subsequent generations, extended to the social life of a given oldest historical period, and today no one would live without making use of the writing process, the epigraphy more specific.

Keywords: History, Collective Memory, Monuments, Documents, Egyptians, epigraphy, Celebration, Celebration, Obelisks, Win, Immortalize, immortalize.

*Amanda Martins Hutflesz
-Possui graduação em História pela Universidade Católica de Petrópolis (Licenciatura e Bacharelado - 2011);
-No momento trabalha como recepcionista bilíngue - Museu Imperial de Petrópolis;
-Tem experiência na área de História, com ênfase em História de Petrópolis, História do Brasil (1o e 2o Reinado) e Egiptologia. Atua na área turística desde 2007;
-Já atuou como professora na área de Língua Inglesa e ministrando cursos livres na área de Egiptologia;
-Atualmente está matriculada na Universidade Estácio de Sá (Campus Bingen - Petrópolis, 2º Semestre/2016) no curso de Letras, com ênfase em Língua Inglesa;
-É administradora do blog Klauss Patra VII Téia Philópator, onde publica teses, dissertações, divulga palestras, eventos, bibliografias, dentro da linha de estudos e pesquisas na área de Egiptologia e Arqueologia Egípcia;
 link de acesso: amandahutflesz.blogspot.com);
-É administradora do grupo de estudos Egito Fascinante: Uma viagem na Barca de Rê, no Facebook,
Link de acesso: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1271090419591318/?fref=ts ;
-É administradora do canal AMANDA HUTFLESZ no You tube, cujo tema dos vídeos são referentes à História do Egito Antigo;
Link de acesso:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-NUDrqreSMoIa-gGvDovEQ ;
-Autora do Artigo Científico sob o título: "A importância da perpetuação da memória coletiva: O uso da epigrafia em documentos e monumentos egípcios, com o intuito de eternizar acontecimentos memoráveis de sua História". (2016)

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